“We are immerse in a plan to reorganise our activities"

How does ULMA Architectural Solutions view the difficult economic-financial trend situation of the last years?
As we know, this is the fifth year since 2008 when this profound crisis began. Although Spain was always our main market, these last years we have made efforts to position new products in Europe: France, Italy, Ireland, and Poland. Unfortunately all the European Economic Community is suffering the consequences of this crisis (especially some Countries), which directly has and continues affecting us.
These five years of crisis have two features that generally affect nearly all companies, including ours: the slow and very strong drop in sales and prices and, consequently, the insurmountable obligation of managing adjustments in all cost and expense items. We have to mention that the adjustment in employment is especially painful.
Nevertheless, we also have to say that regarding our company we have to divide this negative period into two parts. During 2008, 2009 and 2010 we managed to obtain benefits – in spite of the drop in sales -. 2011 was the first years (of the last 16) that we closed with slight losses, and 2012 is the worst without doubt.
From your business point of view, which are the Strong points of ULMA Architectural Solutions against this adverse context?
The main strong points contributing to our being able to fight against this hard situation are the following:
• An excellent human team. With an attitude for understanding the situation and adaptation to the circumstance and with an attitude/training that allows them to identify new ideas and be prepared for new challenges that -without doubt- we should face.
• Working with a model of Business Lines and cultural awareness over many years, allowing us to have much flexibility to carry out several internal relocations, contributing to optimisation of resources.
• Knowledge and control of prefabricated solutions and systems for Building. This allows us to have product proposals that really satisfy needs and offer a better competitive profile.
• Balance structure. The positive results obtained in a sustainable way for 15 years have allowed us to "form" a solid Balance that still allows financially resisting and meeting our payment obligations, in spite of the slight generation of Cash-Flow.
• Being a Cooperative. Without doubt our model of company provides an important differential over our competition. Our joint efforts in remunerative adjustments and availability to change functions are two key pillars against this negative cycle.
What goals have you fixed as a company for the future and which are the Business strategies they are supported on?
Without doubt our model of company provides an important differential over our competition. Our joint efforts in remunerative adjustments and availability to change functions are two key pillars against this negative cycle.
The only way is that the first main challenge is centred on increasing the sales volume. This way we meet the following Goal, which is maintaining the employment of our partners.
The strategy is based on being committed to searching for commercial opportunities in the international emerging markets and continue consolidating –how else- the markets where we are operating over the last years, some of them (France) with an affiliate and with an important structure of 7 persons.
To be able to carry out the mentioned strategy we are immersed in a plan to reorganise our activities. Consequently, we are promoting a change of functions for 12 people in our own Organisation that will refocus their career to managing Market Areas.
Likewise, we should try to continue maintaining financial balance. To do that, we are going to continue being very demanding with our investments (carrying out only those that have repaid recovery or are of great need) and obliging ourselves to having minimum rotation of the Liquid Assets.