Ulma Architectural Solutions
“Cooperating with Mundukide is a unique and very enriching life experience”
Etor Arregi tells us about his experience as an ULMA volunteer on the Mundukide- Brazil programme in collaboration with the local partner Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, one of the largest social movements in the world that fights to transform the world to become more fair and supportive.

Tell us, what is Brazil like? How would you define the country where you have been doing charity work these years?
Brazil is a very diverse country, from all points of view. It is a huge country and it has different cultures, races, contrasting climates and landscapes, etc. But above all, there are huge socio-economic differences that cause some of the widest social inequalities in the world, so Brazil is among the countries where wealth is least equitably distributed. It is a country with an extraordinary natural heritage - the country with the greatest biodiversity of flora and fauna on the planet, home to the largest forest mass in the world and the two main freshwater aquifers in liquid state in the world.