The new PORTALDE, accessible to all workers from anywhere with internet access — ULMA Begira

Ulma Group

The new PORTALDE, accessible to all workers from anywhere with internet access

In April it will be eight years since the launch of PORTALDE, the ULMA Group corporate intranet. An intranet model that brings together the functionalities of a conventional intranet with the features and content of an employee portal.
The new PORTALDE, accessible to all workers from anywhere with internet access
Apr 08, 2016

The experience of PORTALDE over these years has served to discover and fine tune the strong points of this corporate intranet and develop those that can be improved. The result is the new PORTALDE.


The main benefit of this new PORTALDE is that it can be accessed from any place and device with internet access, whether inside or outside of the ULMA network. This means that any ULMA worker can see its content. Additionally, this new version of PORTALDE can now be viewed entirely in the Basque language, thus responding to the request made by users.


The new PORTALDE is made up of two different parts.The public area, or the employee portal, and the private area, which is a collaborative space.

By default, all ULMA Group workers access the public area of PORTALDE. In this area there is information of general interest for the entire Group: medical hours in the company’s businesses, healthcare telephone numbers, current labour laws, special Laboral Kutxa conditions for cooperative members and job offers, among other information.

To access the public part of the portal, go to

Each worker can access with his/her National ID No. (for example: 00000000X) and the password: ULMA. This generic password can be changed by each user at any time.

Also, the “Private area” button provides access to the private area of PORTALDE. This area offers a private space for committees, councils, private working groups, collaboration groups, forums and a reserve for ULMA Group shared resources, and other resources. Because the features of this private space are so special, for security reasons it can only be accessed from the ULMA network and not from any point with access to the internet. If access is required from outside of the ULMA network, you will need to have remote access software installed (VPN) on your equipment. For security reasons, in order to access this private space you will be requested to login, but PLEASE NOTE, the username and password entered here is not your National ID No.; use the username and password you use to login to your work computer.

Remember that on the public as well as on the private part of PORTALDE, you can select the option “remember my credentials”.

Finally, you are encouraged to visit PORTALDE regularly, where we hope to keep you informed of everything taking place in the ULMA “universe”.