A massive choir to celebrate Euskararen Eguna — ULMA Begira

Ulma Group

A massive choir to celebrate Euskararen Eguna

The Kontrapas project aims to bring together more than 300 people from ULMA to sing together, virtually, the song "Kontrapas" by Bernart Etxepare, made popular by Xabier Lete.
A massive choir to celebrate Euskararen Eguna
Jul 17, 2024

If you want to participate, just record yourself singing a special version of the song and send it to us. The recordings will be used to create an audiovisual collage that will be published on 3 December 2024, during the Euskararen Eguna.

So far, 14 people from ULMA have participated, and a model video has been created to guide those of you who want to take part.

How can you take part?

To find out more about the rules, how to record your video, download all the material and upload your recording, click here

The deadline for receiving the video is 27 September.

All participants will receive a small gift. When we publish the video we will raffle a meal for two at the Zelaizabal restaurant in Oñati among all those who take part.

Our commitment to the Basque language

As Ibon Calvo, the Chairman of ULMA, explained, the aim is to get as many ULMA workers as possible involved and to show the commitment we have had for years to our language. "We invite you to participate in this project we are working on with great enthusiasm and excitement”.

The project aims to strengthen internal ties and demonstrate ULMA's commitment to promoting the Basque language.