ULMA Group Basque Language Motivation Committee has drawn up an action plan for 2014

• Publication of the magazine Lekaixo: so all the employees can find out about the latest news regarding Basque language at ULMA.
• Berbalaguna Project: so students attending Basque classes at ULMA can speak Basque with their work colleagues.
• TELP Workshop / MiniTELP Sessions: for using Basque in a work environment.
• U-morea (Basque + humour): to make the coffee break entertaining with funny posters in Basque.
• Potholing in Basque: so students from the Basque courses and their “berbalagunas” can visit the Arrikrutz caves and enjoy a good day using the Basque language.
• “Bidegorriak Euskararentzat!” Initiative: an activity outside the ULMA installations to foster the use of Basque. • Basque classes: enrolment campaign to learn Basque at ULMA.
• “Summer Postcard” Competition: to talk about our summer holidays in Basque.
• Cultural-Gastronomic Session: so the members who foster Basque Language Plans in the business units can meet and exchange experiences.
• Basque Language Day:
Zeinek gehiago egin...!: an entertaining challenge among the ULMA business units.