ULMA Group approves COVID-19 grants for various healthcare associations

We are experiencing the worst epidemic of the 21st century, and these are not easy times for anyone, but especially for certain disadvantaged groups whose situation has become even more complicated. For this reason, ULMA has decided to allocate these financial items to the aforementioned social and healthcare associations. “From ULMA, with these grants, we wish to do our bit to help alleviate this difficult moment to the best of our ability”, explained Lander Diaz de Gereñu, President of the ULMA Group.
The COVID-19 health crisis is serving to show the most caring side of society; food donations for the most vulnerable, financial contributions, distribution of medical supplies, technology, etc. are just a few examples of activities that ULMA has also decided to join. As the President of the ULMA Group points out, “the health crisis caused by COVID-19 reminds us that we live in an interconnected world and that each, from their position, must respond to the social, health and economic challenges that the current situation poses for us.