ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras has organised the first ever conference for specialist logistics and maintenance press
The event, which included several activities, began with a tour of the Technological Innovation department that ULMA Group has established at its Headquarters for its businesses with the basic goal of developing new productions or applications resulting from research into new technologies. It also serves as an incubator for the creation (promotion) of new technology companies.
After the visit, the Business Development and Services Director, Fran Fernández, the head of spare parts activities, Eduardo Trojaola, and the Manager, Ángel Sánchez, gave speeches not only to speak first-hand about the company's current position, its context and financial scale, but also to present the company’s strategic priorities for the next few years: Service Innovation and Empathy with the Client-Market.
After the question and answer session the conference adjourned to the MONDRAGON Corporate Centre where Mikel Lezamiz, the Corporation’s Director for Cooperative Dissemination, explained MONDRAGON’s wide and diverse range of business activities and gave a brief rundown of its major milestones over the last fifty years.
At the end of the visit to round things off, a lunch-round table was held at the restaurant Caserío Olandixo.
The aim of this conference was to build a positive relationship with the media above and beyond writing and distributing press releases. It is hoped the media will learn about the ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras reality and the privileged context it has been trading in for 30 years.