Izaskun Vildarraz says farewell to ULMA Forklift Trucks

Izaskun Vildarraz, Financial and General Services Director, will be leaving ULMA Forklift Trucks next August. She will be replaced by a member of the group, Martín Etxaniz, who will continue conducting his work at ULMA Handling Systems until her departure.
In addition to her high-quality professional training and her inexhaustible willingness to work, Izaskun should be noted for the emotional component she has always demonstrated in her involvement with the company, even in the most difficult moments. It is no coincidence that she has always performed her work in the world of cooperatives.
Companies such as Loramendi, Aurrenak, the subsidiary of FAGOR Automation based in Chicago or Mondragon Corporation itself have had the privilege of having her in their work teams.
Satisfied by the multidisciplinary team that she has created and leaves working at full capacity, it is also true that this stage ends with painful fact: the low female representation in management positions – a gender gap that, we hope, should disappear soon – for which the role of women is fundamental