MANAGING TALENT. “We try to promote internally so that those persons with a different motivation or those who want to change positions or assume other functions or responsibilities can have other opportunities available to them at our cooperative”

:: What is the current need of ULMA Handling Systems in terms of the subject in question; is this a priority for the Business?
ULMA Handling Systems is a Cooperative that has been experiencing significant volatility in terms of recruitment. The last cycle began two and a half years ago, in this case with historic growth and recruitment, which has developed into a very important need in terms of growth. Additionally, there is a characteristic element of our organisation which is the specialisation and specificity of our profiles in terms of technical level and knowledge. That said, most of the personnel here at UHS have an Engineering profile. The combining of these factors has caused the Recruitment and Retaining of Talent to be an essential aspect and a priority for us. And for greater redundancy, yet another aspect, the internationalisation we have been experiencing these past two years by getting awarded Projects Abroad along with the evolution experienced by our subsidiaries, going from SAT/Commercial resources to also having resources for Implementing Engineering Projects, has required us to learn how to work together with people from other cultures on a daily basis.