Grupo ULMA launches the OnLine version of its Begira Magazine

This year 2012 is the 10th anniversary of the Magazine and coinciding with that milestone, under the responsibility of the Brand, Communications, RSE and TIC Area of the Grupo ULMA, Begira has launched its on line version through the website The main objective is that of periodically informing about the current affairs of the different Businesses in the Grupo ULMA, about their promotions and about the ULMA Foundation. This new communication tool has updated information, opinions, and collaborations and offers the possibility to its users of interacting by means of their Twitter and Facebook accounts. In addition, its home page offers direct access to the main social networks that the Grupo ULMA has available; LinkedIn, Vimeo, YouTube, etc. Likewise, all those interested in receiving the news generated by the mentioned platform can subscribe to Begira Online by means of its RSS.
This new Online version of the Begira Magazine starts with the purpose of being developed in parallel to the already consolidated paper version and the type of support used is responsible for marking the difference between them, because current affairs will be published in real time on the OnLine version. In addition, the treatment of the information is adequate for the Internet; short, easy readable texts, much graphic content (photos, videos...) and the possibility of interacting with other users. On the other hand, the Begira on paper will continue showing us the more relevant current affairs of our Businesses, but with deeper development of the contents.
The Begira Online magazine starts with the objective of offering a new channel of communication for the partners and workers. All the information is published with a strict characteristic of being up-to-date as soon as it arises. The Brand, Communication, RSE and TIC Area of the Grupo ULMA, is responsible for carrying out this project, it collaborates with the Departments of Communication and Marketing of the different Businesses, whose main responsibility is to write and publish on this new site the current affairs of their business realities. All the published articles will be stored on the platform in an orderly manner. The 7 latest news items will always be visible on the home page of the site. Likewise, all the news will be classified by groups within the “Current Affairs” tab, which will allow for example easy and simple access to all the news published by a specific Business. This advantage facilitates that the Businesses can update their current affairs by RSS from the system on their sites or Intranets, facilitating their work and managing to publish one item on several means using only one tool.
Platform and Contents.
The system used to manage the contents, Plone, is a technology that allows easy and rapid updating of contents. To implement the same we have had the collaboration of Codesyntax. The Contents, form and style of the OnLine magazine as inherited form the paper magazine. in such way that the sections of the site are the same we are used to seeing in Begira; current affairs, interviews, reports, editorials, etc. in addition, it has a new section of News Library or Printed Edition that is a library where we can find all the printed editions of the Begira magazine. From the home page the users also have the opportunity to send their improvement and suggestions about new sections, new subjects to be handled, etc. All the contents of this portal of current affairs are published in Euskera and Spanish. As from 2013, and progressively, new versions will be included to give an answer to the needs of corporate information of our affiliates.
Advantages of the Paltform
• Current affairs and real-time.
• Larger distribution capacity.
• Multidirectional communication.
• Website access form any point with access to the Internet.
• Low maintenance cost.
• RSS Syndication.
• Interaction with social networks.
Online Sections
• News and current affairs
• Reports
• Interviews
• Editorial
• News library