ULMA and San Sebastian - European City of Culture 2016; IDEAS COMPETITION

The proposals must describe an action, activity or initiative that promotes the image of ULMA, its values, and which gives rise to participation. The challenge will be to generate ideas among those who work at ULMA which settle on an action or activity.
The proposals may refer to social or cultural initiatives and activities. The objective is to propose ideas that promote the participation of ULMA staff, to bring culture closer to an industrial context, promote creativity and activate innovation.
The winning proposal will be considered within the extensive programme of cultural activities to form part of the San Sebastian, European Capital of Culture 2016 programme, as ULMA is offered the possibility to present ideas which, if viewed upon by those responsible as appropriate and interesting, will be carried out next year within the official programme.
Participation, Deadlines, Prizes and Requirements.
Any person or group of people who work in ULMA Group can participate, regardless of their geographic location. It will only be necessary to send a sufficiently documented cultural proposal or initiative. Initiatives that consider aspects of greater innovative and participative content will be prioritised.
The maximum period for presenting ideas will be 24 September, and they can be sent as of 6 July.
They should be sent by email to; donostia2016@ulma.com or by ordinary post to the Central Departments of ULMA Group, at Garagaltza auzoa 51, in Oñati, with the reference DONOSTIA2016. They may also be delivered directly at the reception of the Central Departments of ULMA Group at Garagaltza auzoa, 51.
Initiatives that consider aspects of greater innovative and participative content will be prioritised.
The beginning of the assessment process will be immediately after the closure of the period for the admission of proposals. The selected proposals will be sent to the General Council of ULMA Group which will ultimately be responsible for determined the winning projects. In the event that none of the proposals meets the minimum quality requirements, the competition may be declared void.
The prizes will consist of 1,500 euros to the winning project and 500 euros to the second-placed project. The presentation of prizes will take place of 28 October 2015 in the ULMA Group Auditorium.
It will be looked upon positively if the proposals are in keeping with the ULMA Values and can be materialised in the region of Debagoiena. Aspects such as originality, creativity, sustainability and being able to be carried out with the use of new technologies will be valued..
The winning proposal, if considered viable and of interest by the Capital of Culture 2016 committee, will form part of its programme of activities. If the proposal is not considered of interest, ULMA Foundation will assess the possibility of carrying it out.