The Central Departments of ULMA Group; Collaboration and Service for Business.

The first thing to point out is that the General Director of ULMA Group works with broad authority in directing and structuring the C.D in development and execution in fitting within the guidelines issued by the General Assembly and the General Council. Collaboration in facing competitive challenges coming from the many businesses within ULMA is one of the most important functions that gives meaning to the Central Departments.
The C.D are directed as mentioned, by the General Director, and respond to the needs that arise within the Business Units. They respond to the needs, corresponding to the Group, of facilitating the development of General Policies and to Business Units which have joined together due to their size and resources.
The C.D are support and facilitation services for Businesses. They have a specialized character, with experienced professionals who centre upon coordinating and providing specialized technical support.
The formal structure of the C.D is organized and ordered by area. They are structured around the following areas: Social Management, Brand and Communication, Finance, Health and Safety at Work and Promotion Areas. Within these Central Departments lie further operational support services, the Technical Secretariat and the Management Secretary. In the corporative field we can also count on the Work Committees, composed of members from different businesses which in turn are coordinated by the C.D professionals. The committees that are currently running are as follows: Finance Committee, Social Management, Brand and Communication, Health and Safety at Work and ICT.