Cooperatives and COVID - General Managers

.How has the Business responded to the situation arising from Covid-19 throughout this year 2020?
.And by 2021, what affectation and incidence is expected?
Jesús Urien
The Pandemic has burst into our lives and more specifically into our Businesses. At ULMA Forja, S.Coop, the initial impact was “cushioned” by the orders that came in at the beginning of the year. The global crisis and the crisis in our sector in particular began to be felt as we experienced a drastic drop in orders in the following months.
We had to adapt our structures, investments and expenses and implement a reduced work schedule. However, we are convinced that showing up to work every day with a positive attitude and a job well done will help us overcome this slump.
Alberto Galdos
With an excellent start to the year in terms of orders, we had a good workload when the virus first appeared at the end of the first quarter. Given the situation, the behaviour of the staff at ULMA Agricola has been exceptional, an object lesson in responsibility and commitment to the business that I would like to highlight above all else. During the next quarter we moslty had a sense of insecurity: we received many quotes but few order confirmations by customers; finally, after the summer, projects that had been on standby were reactivated and we managed to land several of them, thus giving us some stability at least until the end of the year.