Amaia Ugarte - The other talents of the ULMA Group

Collaborates on charity initiatives that enable cooperation projects to be undertaken in countries such as Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Amaia Ugarte believes it is possible to be close to and not lose sight of what is far away. She therefore cooperates with different charity initiatives looking to make the lives of others a little easier in countries such as the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Colombia and Benin, without leaving Oñati.
Amaia, who works in the ULMA Construction quality department, contributes to the organisation of various activities aimed to raising awareness among residents and raising funds to implement development projects in places where displaced people are members Pastoral Unit Mission Group of Oñati.
Charity dinners, chocolate stalls at carnivals, charity tables at Christmas and theatrical performances are some of the initiatives that Amaia is involved in with the aim of raising the funds needed to implement projects such as building a shelter in Colombia, houses in the Dominican Republic and a clinic in Haiti.
All these initiatives are carried out in collaboration with the missionaries of the Basque town.
“The response from people has been phenomenal. We are known in the town. At the charity dinners the missionaries who were in Oñati at the time were invited to talk about their experiences and project statuses,” says Ugarte.
Here we have everything, nothing is missing. Such initiatives provide a life lesson
The process they follow is to work over about two years to raise funds for a specific initiative. After this period they transfer the proceeds collected, even if they do not cover the entire project they provide a buffer that can meet specific needs, and then focus on a different initiative.
“Right now the project to build a school in Haiti has been completed and another one will be built in Benin,” Amaia added.
In her view such activities are positive because they provide “a different view of things.” “Here we have everything, we lack nothing. Such initiatives give you a life lesson,” she adds.
The core of her mission is based in Oñati, although she once spent three weeks in the Dominican Republic with the aim of finding out about the project being developed and the reality of the country.
Through this experience she gained the wisdom of the aid workers who work abroad in the message: “do not give things away.” Because the goal is to involve the beneficiaries in the social activities to make the world a home for everyone.