Professional Qualification: a CHALLENGE, an OPPORTUNITY. — ULMA Begira

Ulma Group

Professional Qualification: a CHALLENGE, an OPPORTUNITY.

This offer is directed at persons without any type of training who can obtain within four years the title of Higher Grade Training Cycle (FP2) in the specialities of Production Programming in Mechanical Manufacturing or in Industrial Mecatronics.
Professional Qualification: a CHALLENGE, an OPPORTUNITY.
Apr 01, 2015

A professional training process for employment is among the aid to employment measures that have been launched after the receivership of FAGOR Electrodomesticos. The aim of this is that persons who currently do not have the necessary requirements for determined positions in production, assembly and maintenance can have access to the same within the period of three or four years after obtaining the necessary qualifications.

The idea arose in MONDRAGON after seeing that on one hand there was an important amount of partners without employment, and that on the other hand, the needs of the cooperatives that could relocate them concentrated on work positions with professional demands that these partners did not have.


The answer appeared very quickly: we train the partners in that what the cooperatives need in order to offer a professional future.


In ULMA Group this worry had already appeared, not only in answer to the employment crisis, but also in prevention so that the people who form ULMA would have a professional level to facilitate their flexibility and multi-skills to respond to future production changes derived from our markets and general environment.


To do that, when from MONDRAGON they proposed we participate in this project, the response from ULMA Group was unmistakably positive. After then a route was started along which we are progressing.


A deposit as a ‘guarantee’ is required to carry out the training; this will be at the beginning of each year (40 Euro for the test and 500 Euros for the cycles) that will be recovered at the end of the school year, in function of the attendance and success of the training received. This means that for a person who has positive results this training will be complete cost-free.

There will also be a special remunerated absence (16 hours for the test, and 4 hours per academic course in the cycles) in order to prepare the exams.

This plan is carried out in Mondragón Goi Eskola Politeknikoa of Arrasate and in Miguel Altuna Institutua of Bergara, thanks to the existence of the partial professional training offer created by the Basque Regional Councils.

From ULMA we will also perform an analysis of the interest shown by partners, from other autonomous communities, in their professional training, and based on the demand and on the professional training existing by part of the ministry or the autonomous governments and we will evaluate which initiatives can be implemented.
In ULMA there are 18 persons already participating in this process. If you are interested in your professional progress; if you want to obtain an official degree; if you want to learn new abilities; if you want to overcome your limits; you can be the next.

For further information contact Aintzane Mendizabal from Central Departments of ULMA Group;, +34 943 250 300.