Yoga 2020: sign up before 8 January

Whether you want to start or if you want to continue, click this link to sign up before 8 January. Vacancies are limited, so we will organize the groups depending on the requests we receive.. We will send you an email on 10 January with all the information about your request.
These free Yoga lessons, which are part of the ULMA health service “Izan Osasuntsu” programme, are aimed at ULMA employees and have the goal of improving their general well-being. We want to help you shut out stress and feel at one with your body.
The sessions will be given by Miren Zubeldia, of the Oñati “HAZI Infinito” well-being centre, who will teach you how to use techniques to improve your awareness of your own body and to achieve mental clarity. Yoga helps to improve your flexibility, strength, posture, ability to relax and balance, your concentration, decision-making capacity, your ability to cope with stress, your self-confidence, self-acceptance and ability to adapt to changing environments.