Would you like to make an unforgettable trip?

With the aid of Mundukide, it offers you the possibility of living an enriching and unforgettable experience in one of the countries where Mundukide has been developing its programmes for some time: Mozambique, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, etc.
If this is an idea that goes around in your head but that, until now, you have never decided to take the step forwards, if you are attracted to the idea of traveling for humanitarian purposes, if you think you can contribute with your skills and knowledge to other people, if you think you are able to adapt to environments not as comfortable as ours... Do not hesitate to contact the ULMA Foundation to show your interest: fundacion@ulma.com
With the interested people, we will begin to talk about the different possibilities that exist regarding when, where, how long or under what conditions. A first analysis of the profiles of the interested people will be held and, alongside Mundukide, an analysis of the needs that could be covered by these profiles in the programmes that are under way in different countries.
For now, if reading this article has awakened your humanitarian side, please do not hesitate to contact us for a talk.
Then, with all the information in hand, you will be able to think about it and make the best decision.