ULMA Group launches the 13th edition of its Photography Contest

As in previous years, the best photographs will be featured on the ULMA 2019 Corporate calendar. In addition, if your name turns out to be the one chosen among the participants, you will win a “Three days in the City” holiday of Life is Beautiful. In it, you can choose among 175 urban hotels of up to 4 stars in more than 70 cities in Spain and Europe.
submissions can be made until 28 September 2018 by email to the following address: concursofotografico@ulma.com.
All ULMA workers will be able to participate. Maximum of 6 photographs per person. The photographs should be in horizontal format and with sufficient quality for printing (15 cm, 200-300 ppi). All photographs should include a brief description of them.
Take part an enjoy a special holiday!