ULMA Construction on the EITB Teknopolis programme, dedicated to the construction of doors and viaducts

Iñigo Kerejeta, Technical Manager for the Spanish market, described the activity of ULMA Construction, the manner in which it accompanies each customer from the start of the project until its final execution, designing the formwork and scaffolding technical solution, supplying the most suitable construction materials and maintaining a close presence throughout the works.
During the interview Iñigo explained the details of ULMA's participation in the construction of the deck for the Cadiz bay bridge, a large project both in terms of its size and technical challenges. The presentation was accompanied by images recorded at the factory and the showroom designed by ULMA Construction for team training and customer commercial support, and which on this occasion was used to demonstrate ULMA Construction's activities to television viewers.
Click on this link to access the part of the Teknopolis show dedicated to ULMA Construction.