ULMA Best Practices in MONDRAGÓN Corporation

Since MONDRAGÓN Corporation set up its Best Practices system in 2002, ULMA Group and its businesses have had several success stories; “Implementation of a CRM tool” from ULMA Packaging in 2004; “Absenteeism management” from ULMA Group in 2005; “ULMA Construction and ULMA Agrícola Know-How Management Portal" in 2007; “The new intranet and employee portal PORTALDE (2009) and Management of Contributions to Society and Communication via the ULMA Foundation (2001) from ULMA Group”, among others...
This list of success stories was extended in 2012 with the addition of New Practices from ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras and ULMA Handling Systems. “The Development of an Online SAT and Electronic Commerce for the forklift truck sector”, in the former, and “Joint Travel Management”, in the case of ULMA Handling Systems.
MONDRAGÓN’s Best Practices system aims to identify examples of successful practices within the cooperatives that can then act as a model for the others.