Ulma Group
Txantxi Social Currency promotion idea awarded
Xabier Igartua from ULMA Piping has been awarded the prize for his suggestions to help ULMA Group boost and promote Oñati’s social currency.
He proposed several ideas, some similar to other entrantsNoteworthy amongst his proposals was the suggestion that wages be paid in Txantxis (voluntary scheme), and the idea that the ULMA Group subsidise part of the Txantxis acquired by members and workers in a personal capacity.
The success and consolidation of this initiative - part of the Oñati Commercial Revitalisation Plan – is closely linked to the involvement and commitment of all members of civil society, again clearly on display by ULMA Group workers and members.
And of course the award for the most feasible and original proposal was paid in Txantxis: a full set of notes totalling 36.60 Txantxis.