The ULMA Foundation successfully finalises its 2012 initiatives

Since the Public presentation of the ULMA Foundation in 2010, different actions and initiatives have been organised with the main objective has been the social development and promotion of its environment. Throughout 2012, all types of actions and initiatives aimed at different groups of the general public have been carried out. Among these, we can highlight the trip to San Sebastian where ULMA partners and workers with their families enjoyed a game of basketball of the ACB league. Another of the outstanding activities was Ballpoints in favour of education with which a campaign for recollection of ballpoint pens in favour of education and in benefit of the educational project "etagukzergatikez" that works in Nicaragua. Also, and as a relevant initiative, we can indicate the 11 restaurants 11 healthy menus campaign, awarding the healthy selection of the menu in the restaurants adhered to the campaign. Other outstanding initiatives were the Green Office Guide, a document with the aim of make the partners and workers aware of the importance in saving costs and improving environmental efficiency in the offices, the Photography Competition for Retirees, the Painting Competition aimed at the children of partners and workers with the theme “let's paint our towns”, the Reflexive Cinema for ESO students at schools in Oñati, with the aim of promoting the habit of reflection and critical spirit using cinema as a resource and the Charity Market, in collaboration with the local NGO “Hermansoloña”.
Likewise, we can highlight that for the promotion and distribution of all its activities and initiatives, the ULMA Foundation distributes among all its Groups of Interest the Zuretzat Bulletin. Lastly, regarding 2013, the strategy of the ULMA Foundation will be centred on giving the possibility of actively participating in the initiatives and activities of the ULMA Foundation, by creating a Social Promotion Committee where all who desire can collaborate in the design and organisation of the yearly initiatives.