Solidarity collection of glasses for Senegal

With this solidarity collection, we wish to help the Ndank Ndank association of Bergara, in which several people working in ULMA are involved.
Ndank Ndank is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting interculturality and various development cooperation programs in Senegal.
A group of volunteers this association will travel to Senegal, from 4 to 18 August, to personally take all the glasses we collect.
In addition, the Urzuri optical shop of Elgoibar has donated a machine for measuring eyesight. With this machine and with all the glasses provided, you can do a great job this summer and improve the vision of many people. It will be a really rewarding and satisfying trip.
So, keep in mind: If you have any glasses that you can donate, you will be helping other people see with much more clarity.