Send an SMS and help feed a refugee child!

ULMA Group is collaborating with the NGO ACNUR EUSKAL BATZORDEA through an initiative called PLUMPY NUT, which aims to raise funds to combat malnutrition in refugee children. This solidarity initiative will last a month, from 22 May to 19 June, and aims to encourage the involvement and collaboration of the Group’s members and workers and anyone else with an interest in helping out.
What is the ACNUR?
The ACNUR is the key player in most of the world’s humanitarian operations and the entity with the greatest logistics and response capacity in emergency contexts. It also opens humanitarian corridors enabling other organisations and NGOs to intervene. The most pressing problems are malnutrition and food insecurity.
A €1 donation will fund 3 PLUMPY NUTS, which cover the needs of a malnourished child by providing nutrients in the form of peanut butter, sugar, vegetable fat and powdered milk enriched with minerals and vitamins. By eating three a day, a child can gain a kilo in weight in a week.
How can I help?
SMS: send an SMS to 28014 with the word ULMA. One message will feed a child for a day.
Cost of the message: €1.20 (Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, Euskaltel).
All messages sent will be entered for a prize draw for 10 sets of tickets for two people for an off-route visit to the Arrikrutz caves on 11 July.
Current account: if you prefer, you can also make a donation via the following account number, with the word ULMA as a reference: ES42 3035 0081 36 0810045602 Laboral Kutxa
Some figures
- There are 51.2 million uprooted people (the highest figure since the Second World War), and the ACNUR protects and provides aid for 42.8 million of them.
- The average length of stay in a refugee camp is 17 years.
- More than 12,340 children die of hunger every day. More than 4.5 million die each year.
- 165 million children suffer from stunted growth due to poor nutrition. Slower growth also reduces brain development. The levels of retarded child growth are at their highest in Africa and Asia, reaching 42% of the child population in East Africa (2011).
- More than 1.5 million children die each year from wasting, a serious form of malnutrition caused by a critical lack of food.
- Over 1/3 of child deaths in the world are caused by malnutrition.
- 3.3 million refugees in 40 countries in Africa depend on the ACNUR’s humanitarian aid.
- 1.2 million refugees in Africa are at risk of starving to death.
- 450,000 have seen their food rations reduced to 50%.
- A further 800,000 are at risk of having their rations reduced in the next 3 months.
- The index of severe malnutrition in refugee children in Africa between 6 and 59 months of age is 12.4%, which represents 205,000 children.
- A €1 donation becomes €2.56 of humanitarian aid, and 93% of the money raised is sent directly to projects.
Would you like to learn more?
In accordance with the Organic Law on Data Protection, we inform you that your data are included in a database held by ACNUR EUSKAL BATZORDEA, with registered address at Madrid (Spain), Avda. Cedaceros núm. 11, 1º, with the purpose of managing its business relationship with customers and users, including the provision of services and sending marketing communications. The data will be processed with all due confidentiality, as set forth in the applicable legislation. In any case, we inform you that you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition at any time by