New Handicraft Competition for the children of ULMA workers and partners

This year its has been decided to refocus the traditional painting competition towards recycling and the use of resources, and therefore ULMA Group has setup a new Handicraft Competition for their workers’ and partners’ children.
The idea is to make children aware of the fact that many of the objects they throw away can be used to create and design new ones: figures made from egg boxes, tins/jars to hold pens made from clothes pegs, photo frames made from toothpicks, etc.
The rules of the competition are as follows:
All ULMA workers’ and partners’ children.
Participants will be divided into two distinct categories, i.e. 0-6 years and 7-11 years.
All projects must be submitted to: the ULMA Group Central Offices, Garagaltza Auzoa 51, 20560 OÑATI (Gipuzkoa).
Delegations can employ internal mail or regular mail where no internal mail service exists.
All projects must be submitted by 26 September 2014.
Awards ceremony:
The awards ceremony will be held on 16 October at 6:00 p.m. at ULMA Group Central Offices in Oñati.
Project exhibition:
All projects will be exhibited during the awards ceremony, and then returned to their creators.
Prior to which, projects can be viewed at and this website.
The winner of each category will receive a bicycle.
In addition, all participants will receive a gift as a token of gratitude for their participation.
Encourage your children to take part!