New design for the ULMA 2016 cycling kit

Firstly, we would like to express our gratitude for the high levels of participation, it is clear there are a lot of cyclists at ULMA!
A total of 438 votes were received, 251 online and 187 by traditional voting at the ballot boxes installed at the different ULMA Group Businesses.
Design "A" achieved 248 votes compared to 190 votes for design "B", and therefore the winner is design "A".
All voters were entered into a draw for a cycling kit, and the winner is Mikel Madinagoitia, from ULMA Packaging. Congratulations Mikel!
The new kit will be available for purchase in the first quarter of 2016. Further information will be provided at the time.
Lastly, the following chart shows participation levels for each ULMA Business that participated in the voting:
Many thanks for taking part!