Las Bambas, Peru supply contract

It has mineral reserves of 7.2 million tonnes of copper and mineral resources of 12.6 million. It is estimated that in the first five years more than two million tonnes of concentrated copper will be produced.
Initial clearing operations began in April 2014. It is expected that the ore at Las Bambas will be mined in three open pits: Ferrobamba, Chalcobamba and Sulfobamba. Ferrobamba, located ten kilometres east of the concentrator plant, is right now in the early stages of production.
After participating in the tender for the supply of rollers by Las Bambas in December 2015, in March 2016 ULMA Conveyor Components was awarded the global supply for rollers for the mine’s three main conveyors: one 84” conveyor belt (2.14 metres wide) and 1/2 km long and two 72” conveyors (1.83 meters wide) and 3 km long each.
In addition to the supply contract for one year with the material consigned in the mine’s warehouses, ULMA Conveyor Components will provide technical advice to Las Bambas maintenance and planning personnel by analysing operational problems of the conveyors and providing solutions to significantly improve their efficiency and avoid emergency stops during operation.