Large amount of equipment for the construction of Portugal's first high-speed railway section

This section is part of a wider project, called the Southern International Corridor, which will connect Elvas to the port of Sines, improving the country's links to Europe.
In these works managed by the state-owned company ‘Infraestruturas de Portugal’, we were involved in four of the five sections, partnering with construction companies such as MotaEngil, MADONU, Constructora São José, Teixeira Duarte, Sacyr, COMSA, Fergrupo y FCM.
■ Freixo - Alandroal section: 20.5 km
■ Évora North – Freixo section: 20.5 km
■ Évora – Évora North section: 10 km
■ Alandroal – Leste line section: 38.5 km
The Freixo - Alandroal section has 10 viaducts and 16 overpasses. In addition to supplying a large amount of equipment, performance went hand in hand with safety. For the construction of the respective decks, we supplied 20,000 m³ of the OC shoring system and around 4,000 m² of ENKOFORM formwork. We installed 3,600 m² of ORMA formwork and 10 sets of formwork for columns and footings, combining ENKOFORM and ORMA, as well as 280 metres of stairs and 10,500 m² of BRIO scaffolding.
The scale of this project has involved the supply of tonnes of equipment, engineering solutions, and continuous communication between all those involved in the project.
In the Alandroal – Leste line section we provided shoring and formwork systems for three viaducts, 10 underpasses, and wall formwork for 13 viaducts: 25,000 m³ of T-500 shoring systems, climbing brackets and profiles, around 1,000 m² of ENKOFORM formwork and 3,800 m² of ORMA formwork.