K-FOROA, the first Communication Forum of MONDRAGON

Under the title “Communication and the Reputation of Companies”, the conference will begin at 9:30 am with an opening by Iñigo Ucín, President of the General Council. It will also be attended by Angel Alloza, Director-General of Corporate Excellence of the Centre for Leadership in Reputation. Alloza will talk about trends in business reputation.
After the coffee break, a business round will on communication and reputation be held, with the participation of Silvia Agulló, Director of Responsible Business and Reputation of the DKV Group; Ana Antolín, head of Interest and Reputation Groups at Iberdrola; and Patricia Rodríguez, Director-General of SD Eibar. The business round will also feature Oscar González, Communication Director of Eroski.
K-FOROA will be broadcast entirely via streaming through the website www.tulankide.com. In addition, live signal will be sent from the room where the event will be held with the aim of generating a debate on Social Networks. The hashtag #kforoa will be created so that participants can share their comments and contribute to improving the first forum.