II Edition of the Handicraft Competition for ULMA workers' and members' children.

Given the success of the previous edition, this year we are focussing on recycling and the reuse of resources. The idea is to raise awareness amongst children of the fact that many objects we discard after use can be used to create and design new objects: piggy banks made out of milk bottles, maracas made out of ice cream containers, vases made out of old egg boxes, etc. are just some of the handicrafts that we received last year.
Encourage your kids to participate!
The Competition rules are as follows:
Participants: Participation is open to all ULMA members' and workers' children. Participants are divided into two groups: children up to 6 years old and children between the ages of 7-11.
Presentation: The works must be delivered to the ULMA Group's central offices, Garagaltza Auzoa 51, 20560 OÑATI (Gipuzkoa). The Offices should use their Business Unit's internal mail system or ordinary mail where not present.
Date: All works must be submitted before 23 September.
Awards Ceremony: The awards ceremony will be held on 15 October at 6 pm at ULMA Group's Central Offices in Oñati.
Exhibition of works: All the works submitted will be exhibited during the awards ceremony and thereafter returned to their creators. The works will be published beforehand at http://portalde.ulma.com and www.begira.ulma.com
Awards: The winner of each category will receive a bicycle. In addition, all entrants will receive a small gift in thanks for their participation.