Grupo ULMA attends its annual event with students at LANBAI III

Grupo ULMA attended LANBAI III along with 34 other organisations from different sectors, joining this initiative aimed at building bridges between the university world and companies, enabling graduates to join the labour market.
The Lanbai III job and training fair was held in Arrasate in the MONDRAGON Unibertsitatea Higher Polytechnic School building in the Garaia Innovation Park and is addressed to all people interested in completing their last years of study by undertaking an in-house apprenticeship or to those who are seeking employment regardless of the vocational school or university where they studied.
Grupo ULMA's human resources representatives assisted students and graduates mainly from the electronic engineering, automotive and robotics field or design, business administration and vocational training, both at their stand and in the area provided for interviews.
In this third edition of LANBAI a total of 144 CVs were collected that will be incorporated to the job listings of Grupo ULMA, to cater for the possible needs and vacancies in any of the Group’s 8 business units.
The people who were interviewed and provided their CV yesterday will be contacted in a few days and invited to register for the new CV Management application that will be accessible from Grupo ULMA's website in the section “Work at ULMA” aimed at streamlining the interaction between the needs of the Human Resources departments of the different business units and the people interested in becoming part of the human team of Grupo ULMA.