Excellent performance of the new VR Table application in Brazil

The building not only has a characteristic design but has also been constructed according to sustainable criteria and it was one of the first buildings in Brasilia to be awarded LEED Certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) by the Green Building Council.
The new VR Table application, the VR SP/EP Head, has been successfully used for this project. This is a lighter head designed for use with SP shores and is an efficient inexpensive solution. VR tables were used from the third floor up, on totally flat slabs with no interference from hanging or perimeter beams. This solution has reduced labour costs, as the tables are moved horizontally with the VR trolley and vertically with a crane, with no need for dismantling.
Two different types of formwork were also used to improve the results: COMAIN modular formwork for shaping the walls and columns and RAPID as a formwork for solid slabs with large spans. BRIO ladders were used to access the different floors in construction.
Due to the geometry of this work, ULMA opted for the high performance and safety of tables rather than the traditional systems.