Elkar Hezi students visit ULMA

The ULMA Foundation “mentors” this group of second-year secondary school from Ikastola Elkar Hezi de Oñati, who participate in the START Innova programme. START Innova is a pedagogical programme promoted by El Diario Vasco, with the aim of supporting educational centres in the promotion of entrepreneurship among young people. More than 800 students from 32 centres participate in the programme.
This visit was accompanied by Joseba Alberdi, Head of Communication at ULMA Packaging, who explained the business of ULMA Packaging from a marketing standpoint and with whom they visited the UPTC ULMA Packaging Technological Centre to learn more about the latest developments in which the company is working.
To conclude, they made an exhibition of the innovative project idea in which they are working, to be presented in the START Innova programme this year.
The ULMA Foundation wishes you lots of luck!