Blood donation campaign at ULMA

Whether you are a regular donor or wish to donate this time at ULMA, we encourage you to participate in this campaign and are waiting for you next Friday, 3 April, from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm, at the ULMA Group gym in Oñati..
Have you ever stopped to think that blood cannot be manufactured? You never know when you may need to receive blood. To give blood is to give life. That is why we encourage you to participate in this “Gipuzkoa Blood Donors” campaign.
A medical team will be there for you to clarify any questions you may have before donating. You will be undergoing a simple medical interview to confirm that your health is adequate and that you weigh more than 50 kg, which is essential to be able to make the donation.
You do not have to fast beforehand. We only ask you to come with about 30 minutes of time so that, after the donation, you can rest for a while and drink plenty of fluids. We will offer you a small snack to help you recharge your batteries.
In addition, we will be raffling among all donors a meal for two at the Mauxka restaurant in Oñati.