Ulma Group
BEGIRA magazine issue 26 has been published
This week saw the publication of issue 26 of Begira magazine, coinciding with the 2012 10th anniversary.

As part of the celebrations, the Begira magazine design and graphic style have been updated. A new, more up-to-date style, in keeping with the times and latest trends, and a new online format (www.begira.ulma.com) will now exist side-by-side and give daily updates on the ULMA Group latest news.
Issue 26 includes: ULMA Piping's cooperation with the ROPARUN Association to fight cancer, ULMA Construction’s AENOR health and safety at work recognition, interviews with Irene Alberdi, Chair of the ULMA Group Board of Directors, and Mikel Izurieta, ULMA Architectural Solutions Director, and a report on Jesús Mª del Río, an ULMA Packaging expatriate in Germany.