
An age full of changes, where there is a great transformation in people: development of intelligence, biological maturation of the brain, discovery of one’s own identity, etc. Our sons and daughters have grown up and now are youths, who are not yet adults but who are no longer children.
Our role as parents, as well as the caregivers and educators that we have been until now, must also change, evolve and adapt to the new situation and to new needs.
In particular, we will talk with Rafael Cristobal, PhD in Medicine, Neurology and Child Psychiatry. He is a Professor of Child Evolutionary Psychology at HUHEZI (Mondragon Unibertsitatea) and at the University of the Basque Country.
If you are interested in the subject and wish to attend, please sign up here, so we can organise the meeting.
If you have any questions, you can contact us by writing an email to or by calling 943 250 300.
We are waiting for you at the ULMA Group offices, at Garagaltza Auzoa, 51.