ULMA Construction’s subsidiary in Argentina celebrates its 20th anniversary

The scaffolding was the flagship product that, both on the first days of the head office and at the Argentine subsidiary, opened the doors to a market that enthusiastically welcomed this product, originally named JJEIP, in honour of the founders of ULMA. Such was the entrepreneurial nature and the success of these people. Just like in Spain, where it meant the entrance to the market of the first premanufactured scaffold, years later in Argentina, the ULMA scaffold was quickly considered as synonymous with guarantee, quality and safety, characteristics currently demanded by the Argentine market in the projects of restoration and absent in the offers of other companies.
According to the people who participated in the creation of the Argentine subsidiary and that currently continue to strengthen this common project, the confidence and consideration towards the product and services of ULMA was such that, in the specifications for the granting of works, the demand that “the scaffolds should have the characteristics of the ULMA scaffold” was frequent.
The offer of the formwork systems took place later, and ULMA Andamios y Encofrados Argentina S.A. gradually became the trustworthy company that now develops construction projects of all sizes and degrees of complexity in Argentina. Remaining faithful to its origins, ULMA Andamios y Encofrados Argentina S.A. maintains values such as commitment and honesty in its relationships, as well as competence and professionalism in offering the best solution, feelings that form a way of being and understanding the construction business and which endure and are perceived by the market.
According to the General Manager of the Argentine subsidiary Diego Devincenzi, “Our clients know how to value our dedication: loyalty is constantly appreciated. They know that ULMA will never stop offering advisory services to every query. The possibilities offered by ULMA products are taken into account not only when planning the resolution of the work, but also long before it. i.e. when the project is being defined. Accompanying our clients as the motto says: From the start of your projects”.