ULMA, a sustainable business project — ULMA Begira

Ulma Construction

ULMA, a sustainable business project

Sustainability implies the conjunction of behaviours, actions and provisions aimed at ensuring a balance between economic growth, care for the environment and social well-being.
ULMA, a sustainable business project
Dec 07, 2023

One of the commitments that make up ULMA's philosophy and mission is precisely to maintain and consolidate an attractive and sustainable business project, generating wealth and well-being in the environment. Our way of acting is based on the fulfilment of the ESG criteria that incorporate environmental, social and governance factors in production processes and business management.

As responsible and environmentally committed manufacturers, both the design of our products and the production processes for their manufacture are certified according to the International Environmental Standard ISO 14001.

Our product designs are based on the premise of durability in order to obtain the highest degree of utilisation of our extensive fleet of rental equipment.

In accordance with the European Regulation 2020/852 on Green Taxonomy, one of our core activities consists of the "Repair, reconditioning and remanufacturing" of products supplied to customers. Through these and other logistical processes, and applying sustainability principles and hierarchies, we manage to maintain a business fully aligned with the objectives of Taxonomy and the Circular Economy:

  • Extending the lifespan of our products
  • Increasing the intensity of use of our rental fleet
  • Increasing the re-use of our products
  • Converting products that cannot be reused into other products
  • Recycling or recovering products that cannot be reused

All this allows us to achieve a reuse rate of our leased products of close to 98% and a recycling / recovery rate of over 90% at the end of the products´ lifespan. In this sense, our Oñati and Ajofrín plants have been awarded the “Zero Waste” waste management system certificate by AENOR.

We are aware that our responsibility and our efforts are part of a worldwide commitment, and that every step we take helps to support, strengthen and consolidate this joint commitment to build the foundations for a more sustainable planet.