Ulma Construction
Engineering Solutions for a Large-Scale Project
The D4R7-Bratislava project in Slovakia includes the construction of 27 km of the D4 Motorway and 32 km of the R7 Expressway, as well as 14 intersections, and more than 100 bridges, including the sizeable Danube Bridge, with a surface area of over 100,000 square meters. It represents the largest public-private partnership (PPP) in the history of Slovakia.

The R7 is a new arterial roadway, a dual-carriageway with two lanes in each direction that joins the city centre of Bratislava with Holice, to the southeast. The project will improve local traffic conditions, as well as transportation with neighbouring countries, thus increasing opportunities for economic development.
The project’s main structure comprises two bridges spanning the Danube and the Kayak Rivers. ULMA provided engineering solutions and material for the deck flanges, pier segments, and piers. The MK Formwork Carriages easily adapted to the exact dimensions of deck measuring 34.5 m in width, thus assuring maximum efficiency and profitability.