Demanding design requirements and tight deadlines on the construction project of the Schaumburg Clinic

The clinic was designed with three square units of four storeys each. The basement, ground floors, and first floors are dedicated to services and other functions of the centre. The second and third floors are reserved exclusively for beds.
In order to create an agreeable and cosy atmosphere, the buildings were built with bright courtyards and pleasant colour combinations.
The entire project was completed with concrete cast on site under very tight deadlines. Six months after starting work, 22,499 m3 of the 30,000 m3 total had already been poured. The demanding design requirements and deadlines could only be met thanks to the CC-4 formwork, which unlike conventional horizontal formwork systems, can be stripped on the third day after a pour and be ready for the next section on the following morning.
The ORMA wall formwork system allowed walls of the highest quality to be built extremely quickly. This modular formwork system facilitates rapid construction work even in the most demanding conditions.