MANAGING TALENT. “The ability to attract talent requires more than just offering a good salary” — ULMA Begira

Ulma Forged Solutions

MANAGING TALENT. “The ability to attract talent requires more than just offering a good salary”

Currently many of our Human Resources departments are fully engaged in a task that worries and concerns all of us. This task is: recruiting and retaining talent. For this reason, in this face to face, we have concluded a series of interviews with the heads of HR of our businesses to ask their opinions and get them to tell us, in terms of the group as well as within their own business, how they are experiencing, on the one hand, the need to recruit and attract talent, and on the other, developing the personnel that are currently employed with us.
MANAGING TALENT. “The ability to attract talent requires more than just offering a good salary”
Jul 11, 2019

:: What is the current need of ULMA Piping in terms of the subject in question; is this a priority for the business?
For ULMA Piping the Personnel Management strategy is focused on challenges such as: talent attraction and retention, conversations about improvement, employer brand, leadership development programs, implementation and digitalization of human resource management systems and processes, and agile and flexible communication aimed at improving the response as well as the speed with which we handle the present and future business challenges.


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