TALENT MANAGEMENT. “we must leverage existing talent within ULMA and combine it with new blood so that we can respond to the challenges we face.” — ULMA Begira

Ulma Construction

TALENT MANAGEMENT. “we must leverage existing talent within ULMA and combine it with new blood so that we can respond to the challenges we face.”

Currently, many of our Human Resources departments are fully involved in a task that concerns and occupies us all; talent recruitment and retention. We are therefore starting a series of interviews with the HR managers of Our Business to gauge their opinion and get them to tell us how they operate together, at Group level and in their own business, on the one hand to address the need to capture and attract Talent and, on the other, to develop talent already existing among our members and workers.
TALENT MANAGEMENT. “we must leverage existing talent within ULMA and combine it with new blood so that we can respond to the challenges we face.”
Mar 26, 2018

What is ULMA Construction’s current need in relation to the issue that concerns us? Is it currently a priority for the Business?

Certainly, it is a priority. We have more than 2000 people involved in this project and for this Task we have gathered that in our social-business project we want to ensure that people are satisfied and developed. That is why Developing People, recruiting the best professionals and Managing Talent are part of our DNA. Our challenges are in constant transformation, and we need the people that are already employed at ULMA Construction as well as those who have yet to come, to be prepared to respond to these challenges and therefore to move in line with the Mission of our Cooperative.

What is ULMA Construction’s current need in relation to the issue that concerns us? Is it currently a priority for the Business?Certainly, it is a priority. We have more than 2000 people involved in this project and for this Task we have gathered that in our social-business project we want to ensure that people are satisfied and developed. That is why Developing People, recruiting the best professionals and Managing Talent are part of our DNA. Our challenges are in constant transformation, and we need the people that are already employed at ULMA Construction as well as those who have yet to come, to be prepared to respond to these challenges and therefore to move in line with the Mission of our Cooperative.


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