We have sent tons of solidarity to Honduras — ULMA Begira

Ulma Group

We have sent tons of solidarity to Honduras

With your help, ULMA Foundation has collected tons of books and stories written in Spanish to send to Honduras
We have sent tons of solidarity to Honduras
May 11, 2018

Tons of books and stories written in Spanish were collected by ULMA throughout the month of April in a solidarity campaign in which hundreds of ULMA workers have participated, contributing with children’s stories, novels of all kinds, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and language training courses with DVDs.

All this material will be shipped to Honduras in May and then distributed among several schools in the country. This is possible thanks to the collaboration of the NGO ACOES Honduras, with whom ULMA Foundation has been collaborating for years.

Upon hearing of our solidarity collection, other nearby entities have wished to collaborate with this cause. Thus, we were joined by the Lagun Aro cooperative, the Eibar Library, the Secondary Education Institute of Arrasate, the NGO Hermansoloña, from Oñati, and villagers who have come to ULMA to deliver books and children’s stories written in Spanish.

To complete all this material, ULMA has delivered several computers following the renewal of its computer park, which should also come in handy in the schools in Honduras.

ULMA Foundation would like to thank all the people that have participated, contributing with their solidarity, and we hope that it will help promote reading and equip those teaching centres in Honduras.