We have arrived at Honduras! — ULMA Begira

Ulma Group

We have arrived at Honduras!

The solidary collection of kitchen utensils carried out at ULMA in July has arrived in Honduras at the end of January. A long time has passed and the process has been very long, but it has really been worth it.
We have arrived at Honduras!
Feb 05, 2018

All the material collected at the end of July, which came in very high amounts, was delivered to the NGO ACOES Honduras. They took care of classifying the material, ordering and packing it for delivery to the solidarity container.


In September, the boat that carried this container with kitchen utensils left. After traveling the distance of over 8,000 kilometres, which separate us from Honduras, during three long months of travel, it finally arrived at the port of destination. Unfortunately, the difficult political situation in Honduras at that time caused the container to be retained for another two months in the port.

The important thing is that it finally reached the hands of the people we wished to reach, the numerous stew pots, pans and other utensils have been distributed. The wait was worth it.


The image shows some of the people who have received part of this material. They pose with the stew pots, plates, cutlery, etc. in their hands, showing their gratitude to the people of ULMA who have made this image possible.

ULMA Foundation would also like to thank you for your kind solidarity. How little it costs and how we are proud to see what we have achieved with your collaboration!