Euskaraldia, closer and closer — ULMA Begira

Ulma Group

Euskaraldia, closer and closer

On 20 November, the second edition of Euskaraldia will be launched. ULMA has also prepared to carry out this social exercise, entering its final stretch.
Euskaraldia, closer and closer
Nov 11, 2020

In all businesses, individual registration routes are being prepared, with the roles of Ahobizi or Belarriprest. If you have not yet registered, do not miss the opportunity. The registration links are available below:



We have also launched training sessions for the roles of Ahobizi and Belarriprest and created Arigunes in the cooperatives, comprising spaces that will operate in Basque during those 15 days. The members of these spaces will participate as ahobizi or belarriprest. Congratulations, everyone!


  • Are you going to be an AHOBIZI at Euskaraldia? Here are some tips! AHOBIZI.
  • Are you going to be a BELARRIPREST in Euskaraldia? Here are some tips!  BELARRIPREST.


From November we have 20 to 4 December, EUSKARA GEHIAGO, GEHIAGOREKIN ETA GEHIAGOTAN. Choose your role and sign up at your business.