Campaign to raise awareness on safety to avoid accidents with pedestrians — ULMA Begira

Ulma Lifting Solutions

Campaign to raise awareness on safety to avoid accidents with pedestrians

In the companies, both in the warehouse area and in the merchandise receipt and shipping area, forklifts coexist with pedestrians in the same space. Therefore, it is necessary to take all the relevant safety measures to avoid accidents.
Campaign to raise awareness on safety to avoid accidents with pedestrians
Feb 12, 2018

For this reason, ULMA Forklift Trucks has initiated an awareness campaign with the slogan “Avoid accidents with pedestrians. We tell you how”, providing information on the risks and offering its customers the possibility of incorporating LED safety lights developed specifically to help protect the personnel and warn them of the presence of moving hazards by keeping them at a safe distance from forklifts.


These small devices, increasingly valued in the industrial field thanks to their effectiveness, are designed to emit a powerful beam of bright red light that acts as a light barrier. This clear delimitation of the “danger area or prohibited area” around the truck guarantees that pedestrians remain at a safe distance from the forklift.

Another type of device that complements the perimeter are arrows for pedestrians, designed as an arrow projected on the ground at the front or rear of the truck. This indication is shown several meters away from the machine and indicate the direction in which the displacement is taking place, in order to warn pedestrians or other vehicles in the area of ​​the direction in which it is circulating, as well as the presence of a forklift on the path.